Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 24th - 28th Lesson Plans

February 24th, 2014: 

1. Create two sides for debates and jury
2. Debate #1: Should States have to enforce Federal Laws with gun control act?
3. Turn in opinions for Ferderal and State laws and Gun control.
4. Make up day for Unit 1 test

February 25th, 2014:

1. Start Unit 2, Chapter 5 - Political Parties
2. Anonymous Candidate Platforms activity
3. Parties and their platforms

February 26th-27th, 2014: 

1. Mass Media
2. Videos on media bias, look at different sources.

February 28th, 2014: 

1. Current Events, CNN News
2. Political Party quiz 

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17th - 21st

Monday February 17th: 

1. Take Quiz over National and State Powers & Checks and Balances system
2. Begin review of Unit 1

Tuesday February 18th: 

1. In class review game

Wednesday/Thursday February 19th/20th: 

1. Take Test on Unit 1, Basics of Government, Principles of American Government Chapters 1-4
2. Begin forming statements for Debate # 2, Federal and State laws on Gun Control

Friday February 21st: 

1. Create 3 groups: National, State, and Jury
2. Conduct Debate # 2 Gun Control 

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10-14 Lesson Plans

Monday February 10th, 2014: 

1. PowerPoint Notes: Constitution and Federalism Part 1 Chapter 3

2. Handout: Take notes from PowerPoint, study the charts on powers of government

Tuesday February 11th, 2014

1. PowerPoint Notes: Federalism, Part 2 Chapter 4

2. Handout: Complete notes from PowerPoint and powers of government.

Wednesday/Thursday February 12-13th. 2014: 

1. Ipads: Take Political Party Quiz
2. Handout: Fill in handout about which percent of each political party you identify with and representatives from those parties.
3. Research local representatives
4. Research 2nd Debate Topic: Gun Control (National and State Regulations)

Friday February 14th, 2014: 

1. Happy Valentine's Day!
2. Study materials from Chapters 3&4
3. Work on research for Debate #2 on Gun Control
4. CNN Student News 

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3 - 7 Lesson Plans

Monday/Tuesday February 3rd - 4th:

Monday Practice Test Day - Block Schedule 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th.
Tuesday Practice Test Day - Block Schedule 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th

  • Constitution Scavenger Hunt 
  • Review Chapter 2 for Quiz
Wednesday/Thursday February 5th-6th: 

Normal Block Schedule Day 
  • Quiz Chapter 2 
  • Current Events Article with Questions: Banks and new legal marijuana sales money 
  • Prepare for class debate: 
    • 1. US vs Eichman - Flag Burning 
    • 2. Ingraham vs Wright - In School Corporal Punishment 
  • Dave Ramsay Finance Video 
Friday February 7th 
  • In Class Debate on 2 Supreme Court Cases 
  • CNN News