Thursday, May 8, 2014

Lesson Plans May 12-16th

Texas Government!

Review Citizenship Test

Citizenship Test - Last test grade!

Make up work day!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Lesson Plans: April 28th - May 2nd

Monday April 28th:

1. Notes: The 27 Amendments
2. Group Activity: Match the correct amendment to the description

Tuesday April 29th: 

1. Individual work: Which amendment is the most important?
2. Pre-quiz on amendments
3. Matching activity

Wednesday/Thursday April 30th - May 1st: 

1. Quiz: the Amendments
2. Notes: Foreign Policy - BRING YOUR BOOKS!
3. Turn in key words from Chapter 17th

Friday May 2nd: 

1. CNN News
2. Current events article on foreign affairs 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Lesson Plans: April 21st-April 25th

Monday April 21st: 


If you're not going, you will report to your normal classes. 
If you're going - you will report to the big gym at 8:00! Do not go into the school! 

Tuesday April 22nd: 


Wednesday/Thursday April 23rd-24th: 

1. Notes: Government at Work, taxes, finance, and the government shutdown of 2013
2. Article: Facts behind the 2013 government shutdown and questions

Friday April 25th: 

1. Quiz on Taxes, Finance, and the Government Shutdown
2. Review: Checks and Balances, most missed questions on the previous test
3. CNN Student News 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

April 14th - 18th Lesson Plans

Monday April 14th: 

1. Test Congress, The Presidency, and their Powers
2. Executive Order Current Events Article
3. Get President Research Paper Assignment

Tuesday April 15th: 

1. Library Computer Lab, Begin research paper

Wednesday & Thursday April 16th - 17th: 

1. Library Computer Lab, Research Paper

Friday April 18th: 

Stay home, it's Good Fritag! 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Lesson Plans April 7th - 11th, 2014


1. Turn in any missing work: Congress Notes and Letter to Congress
2. NOTES: Chapter 11&12 Powers and People of Congress

Tuesday: April 8th

1. Bell Question
2. Handout: Powers of Congress group activity

Wednesday/Thursday: April 9-10th

1. Bell Question
2. Finish up Powers of Congress Notes
3. Start Executive Branch power point notes

Friday: April 11th 

1. Finish Executive branch
2. Review for test 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 31st - April 4th


Begin chapter 10: The Legislative Branch

  • School House Rocks, Bill on Capital Hill 
  • Notes 

Notes on Legislative 
Rubric: Letter to Congress **Test Grade** 


Continue Notes
Write first draft of letters to congress 


Computer Lab 
Play game 

March 24th - March 28th


McDonald's Coffee Spill Trial

  • Watch Video 
  • Answer Questions on worksheet
CNN Student News 


Media in Politics Notes 
Watch CNN Student News 


Media in Politics Notes 
Watch CNN Student News 
Take Student Created Polls on 


Quiz over Media in Politics and CNN Student News Topics 
Read and answer questions on articles 

Friday, March 14, 2014

March 17th - 21st Lesson Plans

Monday March 17th:
1. Between 2 Ferns with President Barak Obama
2. Begin Voting Notes

Tuesday March 18th:
1. Bell Question
2. Voting Notes Continued

Wednesday/Thursday March 19th-18th:
1. Voting Quiz
2. Wrap up Voting Info
3. CNN Student News

Friday March 20th:
1. Current Events Articles with Question 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

March 3rd - 7th, 2014 Lesson Plans

Last week before Spring Break!

Monday: March 3rd 

1. Minority Parties Notes
2. Political Parties Quiz

Tuesday: March 4th 

1. Create your own minority party and build your platform
2. I-pads research

Wednesday/Thursday: March 5th-6th 

1. Questions on projects, final meeting time before you need to turn it in.
2. Current events, News, Projects
3. Turn in projects today if you are going to be gone Friday

Friday: March 7th

2. CNN Student News 

Sunday, February 23, 2014

February 24th - 28th Lesson Plans

February 24th, 2014: 

1. Create two sides for debates and jury
2. Debate #1: Should States have to enforce Federal Laws with gun control act?
3. Turn in opinions for Ferderal and State laws and Gun control.
4. Make up day for Unit 1 test

February 25th, 2014:

1. Start Unit 2, Chapter 5 - Political Parties
2. Anonymous Candidate Platforms activity
3. Parties and their platforms

February 26th-27th, 2014: 

1. Mass Media
2. Videos on media bias, look at different sources.

February 28th, 2014: 

1. Current Events, CNN News
2. Political Party quiz 

Monday, February 17, 2014

February 17th - 21st

Monday February 17th: 

1. Take Quiz over National and State Powers & Checks and Balances system
2. Begin review of Unit 1

Tuesday February 18th: 

1. In class review game

Wednesday/Thursday February 19th/20th: 

1. Take Test on Unit 1, Basics of Government, Principles of American Government Chapters 1-4
2. Begin forming statements for Debate # 2, Federal and State laws on Gun Control

Friday February 21st: 

1. Create 3 groups: National, State, and Jury
2. Conduct Debate # 2 Gun Control 

Monday, February 10, 2014

February 10-14 Lesson Plans

Monday February 10th, 2014: 

1. PowerPoint Notes: Constitution and Federalism Part 1 Chapter 3

2. Handout: Take notes from PowerPoint, study the charts on powers of government

Tuesday February 11th, 2014

1. PowerPoint Notes: Federalism, Part 2 Chapter 4

2. Handout: Complete notes from PowerPoint and powers of government.

Wednesday/Thursday February 12-13th. 2014: 

1. Ipads: Take Political Party Quiz
2. Handout: Fill in handout about which percent of each political party you identify with and representatives from those parties.
3. Research local representatives
4. Research 2nd Debate Topic: Gun Control (National and State Regulations)

Friday February 14th, 2014: 

1. Happy Valentine's Day!
2. Study materials from Chapters 3&4
3. Work on research for Debate #2 on Gun Control
4. CNN Student News 

Monday, February 3, 2014

February 3 - 7 Lesson Plans

Monday/Tuesday February 3rd - 4th:

Monday Practice Test Day - Block Schedule 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th.
Tuesday Practice Test Day - Block Schedule 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th

  • Constitution Scavenger Hunt 
  • Review Chapter 2 for Quiz
Wednesday/Thursday February 5th-6th: 

Normal Block Schedule Day 
  • Quiz Chapter 2 
  • Current Events Article with Questions: Banks and new legal marijuana sales money 
  • Prepare for class debate: 
    • 1. US vs Eichman - Flag Burning 
    • 2. Ingraham vs Wright - In School Corporal Punishment 
  • Dave Ramsay Finance Video 
Friday February 7th 
  • In Class Debate on 2 Supreme Court Cases 
  • CNN News 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

January 27th - January 31st

Week 4 Plans:

1. Monday January 27th 

  • Chapter 2 Section 1
    • Basic Concepts of Government 
    • Magna Carta, Petition of Right, English Bill of Rights
  • Work on group project: Create a Founding Document 
2. Tuesday January 28th
  • Bell Question: What English founding document do you think was the most influential to American government? Why?
  • Chapter 2 continued 
    • The English Colonies in America 
    • Bicameral and Unicameral systems 
  • CNN Student News 
  • Wrap up group project: Create a Founding Document 
3. Wednesday/Thursday January 29th and 30th 
  • Bell Question: Name 2 kinds of colonies that were first started in the US and give a brief description of them. 
  • Present group project founding documents 
  • Review Chapter 2 
  • Current Events: Olympic Games Article and Questions
  • Ramsay's Economics Video 
4. Friday January 31st 
  • Georgia - The Country 
  • Pictures from Georgia's Civil War in the 1990's and comparisons to 2013 
  • Slideshow of photos 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 21-24 Lesson Plans

Week 3 - January 21-24th, 2014

Tuesday: January 21st 

  • Review of Social Contract Theory and Federal Government
  • Travel Pictures 

Wednesday/Thursday: Current Events January 22nd-23rd

  • Monty Python, Peasant/King Scene 
  • CNN Student News 
  • Online "Can you pass a citizenship test" group quiz 
  • Savings - Ramsey Finance Video 
  • Hand back Test #1 
  • Give outline rubric for Project #1 Founding Documents 

Friday: January 24th 
  • 10 minutes, group work on Founding Document Project #1 
  • Vocab chapter 2 - work in groups to identify and define vocabulary from Chapter 2
  • Vocab team quiz game 

Monday, January 13, 2014


Welcome to the first edition of my government class!  This semester I will trying many things and practicing the art of teaching.  We will discuss the origins of government, the making of the American government, politics today, current events, and anything else you could possibly think of related to government. 

On this website, you can find announcements, excellent resources, assignments from class, projects, and anything else you may need to assist you in the class.  If you have been absent, this is an excellent place to look! If you're working on a project, you can find ideas through the resource page. 

If you need anything, you may email me at